Wednesday, July 19, 2006


After reading both an article on the new Stem Cell bill (that will be vetoed by "President" Bush) and an article about the arrest of the head of a Sports Betting company in London, I think I may be hitting a new point of frustration.

Now, I don't know much about stemm cell research. I haven't been keeping up to date in the political bullshit because, frankly, I believe it's bullshit, and so I've separated myself from it. However, so far as I can tell, the idea behind stem cell research is simple: it will help to attempt to find cures for diseases such as Cancer and Parkinson's. So maybe I don't get it. Perhaps I'm simply naive. But as simple as I can really put it, isn't curing diseases a good thing? But I guess it makes sense. As more Americans and Iraquis and countless others get killed for oil, there's no reason no to sacrifice those at home so Congressional pock can stay fatter, right?

Meanwhile, the government is going all out attempting to indict Barry Bonds for *allegedly* taking steroids (and while I do believe he did, I think the government is wasting it's time, his time, my time, and money), and they're now targeting online gambling. Now, I understand gambling is illegal (unless of course you're in Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Tunica, Reno, on a Native American Reservation, in any one of the legal Casino's that are "on the water, not on land," etc.) But come on. Ralph Reed just lost the Georgia Lieutenant Governor Republican Nomination because he was involved in the Jack Ambramoff scandal where they took money from a Louisiana Native American Casino to illegaly shut down a competiting Casino in Texas. Clearly gambling is not a problem with the government. People making money overseas on Americans, is.

Frankly, I'm sick of Congress. We've got a growing problem of Global Warming, more diseases spawned every day that we can't fight, hunger, poverty and violence the world over, and they're wasting their time attempting to send Bonds to jail and arresting people who take sports bets. We're trillions of dollars in debt, gas prices are rising and the disparity between rich and poor is growing daily.

I consider myself a Democrat, more because to me, it's the lesser of two evils. But frankly, I'm more anti-politician than anything. I don't like, appreciate, or have patience for bullshit (which is a cause for my current dislike for my job), and Congress is full of it.

In lighter news, good look to DJ Bnapperish, for shouting out The Thought Process, in her blog Brittany Goes To Washington (and has since come back).


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